
The following is the list of prizes available at St. Thomas:


Alan Mason Prize in 4th year

Awarded to a student graduating with a Major or Honours in Anthropology who has achieved the highest academic standing in Anthropology courses in that academic year.

Michael Nicholas Prize in Anthropology in 4th Year

Awarded to a graduating student with a Major or Honours in Anthropology, who has the highest GPA in all Anthropology classes taken in the course of the program. Funded by Graydon and Beth Nicholas in memory of their son Michael.($500)

Criminology and Criminal Justice

Abdul Lodhi Prize for Highest Standing

Awarded to the graduating student with the highest accumulated GPA in all criminology courses.

Sara Burns Memorial Prize in Criminology

The Sara Burns Prize will be awarded to the Criminology & Criminal Justice student in third year with the highest GPA in Criminology & Criminal Justice courses. Generously funded by the Sara Burns Foundation in memory of Sara Burns, St. Thomas alumna and Fredericton City police officer, who was killed in the line of duty on August 10, 2018. The prize is a testament to Officer Burns' passion for continuing education. ($250)


Joan McFarland 2nd Year Prize in Political Economy

Awarded annually to a student entering their second year who has achieved at least a B+ in Political Economy I (Econ 2153) and/or Political Economy II (Econ 3153). Preference will be given to women, trans, and non-binary students. Further preference will be given to students who are not already in receipt of a major scholarship.($1,000)

Joan McFarland 3rd Year Prize in Political Economy

Awarded annually to a student entering their third year who has achieved at least a B+ in Political Economy I (Econ 2153) and/or Political Economy II (Econ 3153). Preference will be given to women, trans, and non-binary students. Further preference will be given to students who are not already in receipt of a major scholarship. ($1,000)

Prize for Economics in Fourth Year

Awarded to a fourth-year student with the highest accumulated GPA in all economics courses.

Prize for Economics in Second Year

Awarded to a second-year student with the highest accumulated GPA in all economics courses.

Prize for Economics in Third Year

Awarded to a third-year student with the highest accumulated GPA in all economics courses.

English Language and Literature

Bishop Hill Prize for English in Fourth Year

Awarded to a student graduating with a Major or Honours in English courses who has achieved the highest grade-point average in English courses at the 3000-level or above that academic year. ($100)

David Adams Richards Prize for Fiction

Awarded to an English student on the basis of excellence in writing prose or fiction. Generously funded by David Adams Richards Endowment. ($500)

David Velensky Prize in Creative Writing

Awarded on the basis of excellence in creative writing in any genre. Generously funded by the Velensky Endowment. ($500)

Dr. Lissa Beauchamp Memorial Prize for English Research

Awarded to a student majoring or honouring in English who submits the best research paper. ($250)

Edwin Flaherty Prize for English in Second Year

Awarded to a student in the second year of study who has achieved the highest grade-point average in 2000-level English courses in that academic year. ($100)

Prize in English in First Year

Awarded to a student in the first year of study who has achieved the highest grade-point average in 1000-level English courses. ($100)

Prize in English in Third Year

Awarded to a student in the third year of study who has achieved the highest grade-point average in English courses at the 3000-level or above in that academic year. ($100)

Robert Clayton Casto Prize in Poetry

Awarded on the basis of excellence in writing poetry. Generously funded by the Robert Clayton Casto Endowment. ($500)

Environment and Society

Dr. Gloria Paul Memorial Graduating Prize

Awarded to the student with the highest average in all required ENVS courses: ENVS 1013, 2023, 3013, 3023 and 4003. ($250)

Prize for Environment and Society in First Year

Awarded to the student in first year with the highest grade in ENVS 1013.

Prize for Environment and Society in Second Year

Awarded to the student with the highest average in ENVS 1013 and ENVS 2023 or ENVS 2113.

Prize for Environment and Society in Third Year

Awarded to the student with the highest average in ENVS 1013, ENVS 2023 and ENVS 3013 or 3023.

Fine Arts

Fine Arts Prize for Musical Theatre

Awarded to a graduating student majoring in Fine Arts for their contribution in Musical Theatre. ($100)

Fine Arts Prize for Visual Arts

Awarded to a graduating student majoring in Fine Arts for their contribution in Visual Arts. ($100)

麻豆官网首页入口 Singers Prize for Contributions to Choral Music

Awarded to a graduating student majoring in Fine Arts for contribution to Choral Music. ($100)


Ambassador of Switzerland Prize

Awarded based on outstanding performance in French language studies.

Marguerite Michaud Prize for French Canadian Literature

Awarded to a graduating student with the highest accumulated GPA in all French language course.

Paul C. Levesque Prize for French in First Year

Awarded to a first-year student on the basis of excellent performance in French language courses. ($300)


Dr. Gary Irwin-Kenyon Graduation Prize in Gerontology

Awarded to graduating student with a Major in Gerontology with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in required Gerontology courses. The student will have demonstrated community service with/for older adults and involvement in research related to older adults.

Great Books

First-Year Great Books Essay Prize

Awarded to a first-year student on the basis of outstanding performance on a Great Books essay.

Great Books Best Honours Thesis

Awarded on the basis of an outstanding thesis by a fourth-year honours student. ($150)

Prize for Highest Standing in Major

Awarded to a graduating student with the highest GPA majoring in Great Books. ($150)

Second-Year Great Books Essay Prize

Awarded to a second-year student on the basis of outstanding performance on a Great Books essay.

Third-Year Great Books Essay Prize

Awarded to a third-year student on the basis of outstanding performance on a Great Books essay.


Chuddy McCarthy Memorial Prize in Fourth Year

Awarded annually to the fourth-year student with the highest average in a minimum of six (6) full-year History courses. If the student has taken more than 6 full-year courses, all History course marks will be used in the average.

David Lister Myles Prize in History

Awarded annually to a 3rd or 4th year student majoring or honouring in History based on achieving excellence in material history, experiential learning, or public history. Generously funded by the family and friends of David Lister Myles, a noted material historian, restoration expert, and preservationist. ($250)

Lawrence Desmond Prize for Medieval History

Awarded annually based on outstanding performance in a Medieval History course. Generously funded by the Desmond Endowment. ($500)

Prize in History in Third Year

Awarded to a third-year history major or history honours student on the basis of outstanding performance. Generously funded by the Rhinelander History Fund Endowment. ($500)

Prov. IODE Prize for Highest Standing in Canadian History

Awarded annually to the most outstanding student in Canadian History. ($100)

Rusty Bittermann World History Prize

Awarded annually to a first or second-year student who demonstrates dedication and academic excellence in at least six credit hours of world history courses, including the first-year world history survey courses (HIST 1006 or HIST 1013 and HIST 1023), and intends to obtain a Major or Honours in History. ($250)

Senator John Connolly Prize for History in Third Year

Awarded annually to the third-year student with the highest average in a minimum of three (3) full-year History courses. If the student has taken more than 3 full-year courses, all History course marks will be used in the average.

Tony Rhinelander Nature of History Prize

Awarded annually to the student with the highest average in History 2003. Generously funded by The Rhinelander History Endowment Fund. ($500)

Human Rights

Craig J. Carleton QC Essay Prize in Human Rights

Awarded annually to a senior student in the Human Rights Program based on an essay or paper. Generously funded by the Craig J. Carleton, KC Endowment Fund. ($200)

James & Judith DiPaolo Moot Court Graduating Prize

Awarded to a graduating student who excelled in and made a significant contribution to the Moot Court program. ($150)

Irish Studies

The Very Rev. Lynn McFadden Prize

To be awarded to the student with the highest grade (minimum of A) in IRSH 2183, Irish Language and Culture II. (200)

Journalism and Communications

Christine Morris Prize

Awarded to a graduating student(s) with a major in Journalism based on the highest cumulative GPA and the highest GPA in Journalism courses. (2 x $250)

David Adams Richards Prize for Non-Fiction

Awarded to a Journalism or Communications student on the basis of excellence in writing non-fiction or creative non-fiction. Generously funded by David Adams Richards Endowment. ($500)

Frank McKenna Prize

Awarded to a graduating student(s) with a major in Communications and Public Policy based on the highest cumulative GPA and the highest GPA in Communications and Public Policy courses. (2 x $250)

Native Studies

Native Studies Prize for Best Honours Thesis

Awarded to a fourth-year student with the best honours thesis in the Native Studies program.($100)

Native Studies Prize for Graduating Student

Awarded to a graduating student with a Major or Honours in Native Studies, based on the highest GPA in all Native Studies courses.($100)


Mark Adams Prize for Philosophy in 4th year

Awarded to the graduating student with the highest accumulated GPA in all philosophy courses. ($100)

Prize for Philosophy in First Year

Awarded to a first-year student for outstanding achievement in all philosophy courses.

Prize for Philosophy in Second Year

Awarded to a second-year student for outstanding achievement in all philosophy courses.

Prize for Philosophy in Third Year

Awarded to a third-year student for outstanding achievement in all philosophy courses.

Political Science

Best Honours Thesis in International Relations

Awarded to the student who writes the best honours thesis in the International Relations program. Generously funded by the Political Science Department. ($300)

Charles Kuun Prize for Best First-Year Essay

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance on a major essay in POLS 1103, 1603 and 1013. Generously funded by the Political Science Academic Prize Endowment. (3 X $100)

Dr.Rick Myers Prize for Best Essay in Political Philosophy

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance on a political philosophy paper. Generously funded by the Political Science Academic Prize Endowment. ($200)

George Harrington Prize for Political Science

Awarded to the graduating student with the highest accumulated GPA in all political sciences courses. Generously funded by the Political Science Academic Prize Endowment. ($200)

Juergen Doer Prize for Best Essay in Comparative Politics

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance on a comparative politics paper. Generously funded by the Political Science Academic Prize Endowment. ($200)

Louis Robichaud Prize for Best Essay in Canadian Politics

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance on a Canadian politics paper. Generously funded by the Political Science Academic Prize Endowment. ($200)

Patrick Malcolmson Prize in American Politics

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance on an American government and politics paper. Generously funded by the Political Science Academic Prize Endowment. ($200)

William Vaughn Prize-Best Essay in International Relations

Awarded to a student in 3rd or 4th year classes on the basis of outstanding performance on an international relations paper.($200)

Winfield Poole Prize for Best Honours Thesis in POLS

Awarded to the graduating student with the highest grade in POLS 4923: Honours Thesis. Generously funded by the Political Science Academic Prize Endowment. ($300)


Prize for Psychology in First Year

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance by a first-year psychology student.

Prize for Psychology in Fourth Year

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance by a fourth-year psychology student.

Prize for Psychology in Second Year

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance by a second-year psychology student.

Prize for Psychology in Third Year

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance by a third-year psychology student.

PSYCH Dept Award for Outstanding Performance in Honours

Awarded on the basis of outstanding academic performance by an honours student in psychology. ($500)

Ray and Lorain Irving Prize for Best Thesis

Awarded on the basis of an outstanding thesis by a fourth-year honours psychology student. Generously funded by Patrick Gregory Irving. ($500)

Religious Studies

Congregation of Notre Dame Prize for Fourth Year

Awarded on the basis of noteworthy performance by a graduating religious studies student.

Father Arnold Toner Prize for Mature Student in First Year

Awarded on the basis of noteworthy performance by a mature first-year religious studies student.

Sundara and Venky Venkatesan Memorial Prize In First Year

Awarded annually to the first-year student who has attained the highest grade in Religious Studies 1006. Generously funded by the Srinivasan family. ($250)

Science and Technology Studies

Social Work

Fay Nagler Levine Memorial Prize

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance by a graduating social work student. Generously funded by the Fay Nagler Levine Endowment. ($500)

Viola Jean Sappier-Van Dijk Memorial Prize

Awarded annually to a graduating Maliseet or Mi'kmaq Social Work student. Special consideration given to a student who has demonstrated an interest in advancing the rights of women, especially Indigenous women($500).


Prize for Sociology in Fourth Year

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance by a fourth year Sociology student. Generously funded by the Department of Sociology. ($100)

Prize for Sociology in the Second Year

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance by a second year Sociology student. Generously funded by the Department of Sociology. ($50)

Prize for Sociology in Third Year

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance by a third year Sociology student. Generously funded by the Department of Sociology. ($75)


Don Quixote Prize

Awarded to the student who has obtained the highest grade in the Don Quixote course (when offered).

Madres de Plaza de Mayo

Awarded to the student who has obtained the highest grade in the Collective Memory course (when offered).

Marta Traba Prize

Awarded to a student who has distinguished her or himself for artistic-cultural production in Spanish, or who has made a significant contribution to the Spanish Program.

Women's Studies and Gender Studies

Prize for Women's Studies & Gender Studies in Third Year

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance by a third-year Women's Studies and Gender Studies student. ($100)

Prize for Women's Studies and Gender Studies in 4th Year

Awarded on the basis of outstanding performance by a graduating Women's Studies and Gender Studies student. Generously funded by the Women's Studies and Gender Studies Program. ($100)